Video Tutorials
Links to videos that cover the Processing basics.
Hello Processing
A quick intro guiding you to create a simple drawing tool. No software install needed.Debug
Learn how to pause and step through your running code with the Processing Debugger.Learning Processing
A complete introductory course on Processing, designed for complete beginners.Install Processing on ChromeOS
How to install the Processing IDE on ChromeOS using the Linux subsystem.The Coding Train
All aboard the Coding Train with Daniel Shiffman, a YouTube channel dedicated to beginner-friendly creative coding tutorials and challenges.2D Animation & Interaction
An 8-week online video class that will teach you to create powerful, expressive, and interactive computer graphics.Fun Programming
Write short programs in Processing that generate graphics and animation.Happy Coding
Learn to code using Processing, from functions and variables to libraries and exporting applications.Plethora Project
These video tutorials cover issues of programming and computational design issues in Processing.
Text Tutorials
A collection of step-by-step lessons covering beginner, intermediate, and advanced topics.
Getting Started
Welcome to Processing! This introduction covers the basics of writing Processing code.Level: BeginnerProcessing Overview
A little more detailed introduction to the different features of Processing than the Getting Started tutorial.Level: BeginnerCoordinate System and Shapes
Drawing simple shapes and using the coordinate system.Level: BeginnerColor
An introduction to digital color.Level: BeginnerObjects
The basics of object-oriented programming.Level: BeginnerInteractivity
Introduction to interactivity with the mouse and keyboard.Level: BeginnerTypography
Working with typefaces and text.Level: BeginnerStrings and Drawing Text
Learn how use the String class and display text onscreen.Level: IntermediateArrays
How to store and access data in array structures.Level: IntermediateImages and Pixels
How to load and display images as well as access their pixels.Level: IntermediateCurves
Learn how to draw arcs, spline curves, and bezier curves.Level: Intermediate2D Transformations
Learn how to translate, rotate, and scale shapes using 2D transformations.Level: IntermediatePShape
How to use the PShape class in Processing.Level: IntermediateTwo-Dimensional Arrays
Store and acess data in a matrix using a two-dimensional array.Level: IntermediateSound
Learn how to play, analyze, and synthesize sound with the Sound Library.Level: IntermediateElectronics
Control physical media with Processing, Arduino, and Wiring.Level: IntermediateNetwork
An introduction to sending and receiving data with clients and servers.Level: IntermediatePrint
Use Processing to output print quality images and documents.Level: IntermediatePVector
An introduction to useing the PVector class in Processing.Level: AdvancedP3D
Developing advanced graphics applications in Processing using P3D (OpenGL) mode.Level: AdvancedVideo
How to display live and recorded video.Level: AdvancedRender Techniques
Tools for rendering geometries in Processing.Level: Intermediate